Standing History
Outbound jakarta or we used to call as the Outbound jakarta / Outbound indonesia was established since 2004 which was base camp at Jakarta . Originator or founder of this company there are 3 people who each have different disciplinary backgrounds, we are Antonius Sujarwanto, SE as Training Manager, Ardi Irawan, ST as Logistic Manager and Dwi Sasongko, Psi as a Psychologist.
Our Staff
Outbound Jakarta have several staff that serves as a facilitator (instructor), Observer (observer), logistic team support and medical team. During the period of approximately 10 years Trivi Adventure Camp has had varying experiences of some who attended the training company using our services.
In the development internally, Outbound jakarta active in making learning with one surgical method books, attend personal development seminars, especially in terms of the training it self. Our hope here is that any development and progress, especially in the field of training outdoors can we serve the maximum and methods are updated to the prospective client in the future.
Vision & Mission
To be The Leader of  Human Resources Development Through Experiential Learning in Indonesia at 2018.
Foster a sense of empathy in the participants
Enhance personal creative and full of innovation in the face of global competition
Always give the best to learn how to improve the quality of experiential learning methods.